There are many types of zombies.
You have the mindless idiots that go day by day doing the exact same things over and over again.
Then there are the brainwashed idiots who are led to believe a certain thing and are obeying orders from another source.
And finally, you have the dead. Basically, it's dead flesh being reanimated by whatever source is at work, whether radiation from a satilite probing Venus, a fungus that was uncovered in some deep jungle that spread it spores everywhere, an animal that infected a person, or merely contaminated dead flesh being grafted onto living tissue. Many of the dead are easily identified as those with stiff forms, either limping or merely letting gravity make them step, letting out a dead moan with rotting flesh. Some are more preserved than others so it would be a little hard to spot those, unless they are hanging out with the smelly crowd.